Here you will find the results and all information on the farmsUP! conference
«This farm is your business!»
What distinguished this conference and made it stand out was the fact that it spoke the language of the farmers, offered knowledge and substantial information, while taking into consideration their needs in education and training and because all participants had the opportunity to attend practical and effective workshops that focused on basic principles of agricultural entrepreneurship, marketing and branding of agricultural products, developing products for agrotourism and mentoring for women agro-entrepreneurs.
Among others, the conference presented 22 European projects which directly address the farmers’ needs to become better agro-entrepreneurs; furthermore, participants were informed about the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union and how they can benefit from it.
The conference had approximately 1000 participants (380 by their physical presence and 605 through live webstreaming)
The conference succeeded on its goal! It presented available European tools and knowledge to existing and future farmers and encouraged them to think more like entrepreneurs do, by strengthening their entrepreneurial skills and competencies. After all, this farm is their business!
You can view the following material:
Speakers' Presentations*
- Dimitris Georgas - Pig Farmer
- Eleni Maloupa - Plant production applied research and agricultural entrepreneurship
- Aggelos Markou - Krocus Kozanis Products
- Sophia Protopapa - Wokrshop 4: Mentoring for women agro-entrepreneurs
- Dimitris Raftopoulos - Agro-entrepreneuship. Trend or growth generator?
- Olga Stavropoulou - This farm is your business!
- Andreas Stefanidis - Extroversion and partnerships: Prerequisites for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship
- Fragkiskos Karelas - Listen to your land. Learn about yourself. Choose your tools.
- Sofie Tvarno - Greece has gold, Pure Greek
- Speakers' CVsThey said about us*Coming soon
Items marked with * are available only in Greek. This page is constantly updated with new material.
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